外国民商案例选读 东北大学

1 Introduction (概述) 1.1 Introduction to the course (课程导读) Introduction to Common Law(英美法导读)
1 Introduction (概述) 1.1 Introduction to the course (课程导读) Court Reports(判决书阅读)
1 Introduction (概述) 1.2 Introduction to Contract Law(合同法概述) Freedom of Contract and Public Policy (公共政策)
1 Introduction (概述) 1.2 Introduction to Contract Law(合同法概述) Quasi-Contract(准合同)
2 Contract LawⅠ (合同法之一) 2.1 Enforcing Promises(可执行的合意) Intention to be bound(订约意图)
2 Contract LawⅠ (合同法之一) 2.2 Consensus(合意) Offeree(要约的对象)
2 Contract LawⅠ (合同法之一) 2.2 Consensus(合意) Acceptance(承诺的方式)
3 Contract LawⅡ(合同法之二) 3.1 Validity of Contract(合同的效力) Validity of Contract Part Ⅰ 合同效力(上)
3 Contract LawⅡ(合同法之二) 3.1 Validity of Contract(合同的效力) Validity of Contract Part Ⅱ 合同效力(下)
3 Contract LawⅡ(合同法之二) 3.2 Consideration (对价制度) Consideration(对价)
3 Contract LawⅡ(合同法之二) 3.2 Consideration (对价制度) Past Consideration(过去的对价)
4 Contract Law Ⅲ(合同法之三) 4.1 Mistake & Mispresentation(错误与欺诈) Common Mistake(共同错误)
4 Contract Law Ⅲ(合同法之三) 4.1 Mistake & Mispresentation(错误与欺诈) Mispresentation(错误陈述)
4 Contract Law Ⅲ(合同法之三) 4.2 Justification for Nonperformance(不正当影响) Actual Undue Influence(实际的不正当影响)
4 Contract Law Ⅲ(合同法之三) 4.2 Justification for Nonperformance(不正当影响) presumed undue influence(推定的不正当影响)
5 Sales LawⅠ(买卖法之一) 5.1 Conclusion of Sales Contract(买卖合同的订立) Sales by Automatic Machine(通过自动售货机订立的合同)
5 Sales LawⅠ(买卖法之一) 5.1 Conclusion of Sales Contract(买卖合同的订立) Estoppel(允诺禁反言)
5 Sales LawⅠ(买卖法之一) 5.1 Conclusion of Sales Contract(买卖合同的订立) Battle of Forms(格式之战)
5 Sales LawⅠ(买卖法之一) 5.2 Interpretation of Contract(买卖合同的解释) Principles of Interpretation(合同解释的一般原则)
6 Sales LawⅡ (买卖法之二) 6.1 Duty of the Seller(卖方义务) Merchantability(商销性)
6 Sales LawⅡ (买卖法之二) 6.2 Remedies(违约救济) Reasonable Foreseeability(可预见规则)
6 Sales LawⅡ (买卖法之二) 6.2 Remedies(违约救济) Punitive Damages(惩罚性的损害赔偿)
6 Sales LawⅡ (买卖法之二) 6.2 Remedies(违约救济) Fundamental Breach(根本违约)
7 Business Organizations Law(商事组织法) 7.1 Corporation Law(公司法) 有限责任公司的概念
7 Business Organizations Law(商事组织法) 7.1 Corporation Law(公司法) Piercing the corporation veil(揭开公司面纱)
7 Business Organizations Law(商事组织法) 7.1 Corporation Law(公司法) Powers of Directors(公司的目标)
7 Business Organizations Law(商事组织法) 7.1 Corporation Law(公司法) Business Judgment Rule(公司的管理)
7 Business Organizations Law(商事组织法) 7.2 Partnership(合伙法) Factual Partnership(事实合伙)
8 Torts (侵权法) Rules in Tort(侵权法规则) 殴打
8 Torts (侵权法) Rules in Tort(侵权法规则) 非法监禁

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